Today I got to interview two great women from across the seas – Valerie Landis and Brigitte Adams, from the US. Two really inspiring women who are not only on their journey to motherhood through Egg Freezing, but have also inspired so many other women around them with their websites.
We had two great Skype’s and they told me all about their amazing stories – from the day they first decided to freeze their eggs, to now, the time when they decide they want to take the next step towards motherhood by thawing their eggs!
Valerie owns a fantastic site called Eggsperience.com which helps to inspire women who need support and advice on this topic. She’s been a professional in this area for years – as well as a woman going through Egg Freezing herself.
Have a little listen to a snippet of why Valerie created her site Eggsperience.com and why it’s so important for women going through this to support each other.
I also spoke to the lovely Brigitte – who also founded a website after realizing there wasn’t enough support or information out there for women wanting to find out about egg freezing. Have a little sneak peak at why Brigitte never expected to be thawing her frozen eggs at the age of 44…
I’m so excited for you all to hear their stories – now it’s time to get on with editing for the final doc!
Originally posted by Molly Reynolds of Modern Day Women on 16 November 2016: https://moderndaywomansite.wordpress.com/2016/11/16/interviews-across-the-seas/