Celmatix wants you to make 2018 the year we shatter stigmas and finally start talking about our fertility. When the personal remains private, we give power to the shame that’s kept women silent about their bodies for way too long.
Most women think about their fertility and reproductive health, but few talk about their plans or fears with their families and friends, or even their doctors. There’s no question: the decision of if, when, and how to have kids is personal. When you #SaytheFword, you empower yourself to plan for the future with your body in mind.
#SaytheFword to your family, and you might learn about health history that could inform how you think about your future.
#SaytheFword to your friends, and you’ll make clear that when it comes to making life-defining decisions, there’s no room for shame.
#SaytheFword to your doctor, and you’ll be opening the door to learning more about your body, which will better prepare you to build the future you want.
Pledge to #SaytheFword in 2018, because no conversation means no information, and when it comes to having the future you want, information just might be everything.
It’s time to break the silence.
Two thirds of millennial women worry about their ability to have children, but most keep those concerns to themselves.
While miscarriage is common, almost half of women who experience them never tell their friends, and one in five don’t even tell their partners.
One in eight women have difficulty getting pregnant, but three quarters of those who seek treatment don’t tell those closest to them.
The result? No matter what choice a woman makes, she’s likely to feel alone. When we #SaytheFword together, we can empower an entire generation to pursue the futures they deserve, on their own terms.
Preparing for your First Fertility Clinic Appointment
Ask an RE: Egg Freezing Myths vs. Reality
Discover Companies with Fertility Benefits
Share your story on social, tag it with #SaytheFword and help us inspire a generation.