My name is Brittany Hawkins. I’m 34 years old and currently live in San Francisco, CA. I moved back to SF about a year ago after living in Cape Town, South Africa for more than 5 years with my husband. My interest in egg freezing gained momentum when I was 32, living in Cape Town and running a travel company. My husband and I knew we wanted to raise our family close to our parents in Napa Valley, but we didn’t know how long our respective careers and great friends would keep us in Africa.
We both knew we want to expand our family someday but the path to get there was wholly unknown. After a few months of debating, we decided to pull the proverbial trigger and I had my eggs frozen (not embryos!) in Cape Town in 2018.
My personal experience compelled me to co-write the book, “Everything Egg Freezing: the Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Doing it Right” and started ELANZA Wellness with my co-founder. ELANZA Wellness is a technology company that is dedicated to helping fertility doctors deliver better patient care in order to help other women navigate the confusing and circuitous path to figuring out if egg freezing for them and how to do it in the best way possible.
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Book Everything Egg Freezing: the Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Doing it Right
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