My name is Stephanie Haney. I’m 35 years old and living in Cleveland, Ohio after living in New York, Los Angeles, and studied abroad in the United Kingdom. I am a lawyer, writer, producer, and an Emmy-winning journalist who previously appeared on the nationally syndicated entertainment news show the DailyMailTV filmed in New York City.
I co-host a podcast called the Sassy and Uncalled For with my friend Chelsea Earlewine where we talk with experts and everyday individuals about issues like how to properly negotiate a contract for equal pay, what birth control is really doing to our bodies, and the always-popular topic of dating and relationships.
At 24, I married my high school sweetheart which was supposed to be the perfect situation to have a child, but between law school and other career considerations, I simply wasn’t ready to take on caring for another human. I’ve always known I want to be a mother someday. When my ex-husband and I got unmarried (as I like to call it), I knew it would be quite some time before I would even think about bringing a baby into this world. That was the first time I thought about freezing my eggs. I decided to freeze my eggs at 33 years old, but it took me 7 months to complete the process due to unexpected setbacks.
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Article PopSugar — It Took More Than 7 Months For Me to Freeze My Eggs — Here’s What I Learned Along the Way
Soundcloud Sassy and Uncalled For – Health Is Wealth: Stephanie So From Extend Fertility on Egg Freezing
Facebook Sassy and Uncalled For Podcast
Twitter @TheSassyCast
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Website Sassy and Uncalled For Podcast