Jennifer Frappier

My name is Jennifer Frappier. I’m 39, single, and currently live in Los Angeles, California. My life is beautiful, hectic, exciting and at times a bit overwhelming. Is it possible to balance my career, pursue my dreams and still find time to have a family? We’ve been told – “You can’t have it all.” Should I panic? Or just chill. At first, I was not open to being a single mom, but three years later I am thinking it is a high possibility.

During my egg freezing research, I looked for anything and everything to read or watch that would give me a better idea of what to expect during the process. Most of the information out there speaks to the science, which is fascinating. But there’s another huge, important piece that’s being left out–The physical and emotional responses a woman experiences throughout the egg freezing process. I wanted to share my adventure in a way where others could participate – see what I saw; feel what I felt. That’s how Chill the documentary was born. The film will be done in May 2016, working on film festivals and showing, and then available for release to the public the summer of 2018. I can’t wait to share it with you! In the meantime, you can watch the Chill promo video.




 Eggology Club Podcast — Season 2 Episode 15 — Chill


Facebook Jennifer Frappier

Twitter @jennifrapp

Instagram @jmochafrappuccino

YouTube Jennifer Frappier

Vimeo Jennifer Frappier

LinkedIn Jennifer Frappier

Website “Chill” The Documentary

Website Jennifer Frappier


Other articles about Jennifer:

Huffington Post – ‘I Felt Liberated’: How Freezing Their Eggs Changed These Women’s Dating Lives For The Better

Fertility Authority: Chill A documentary film about the modern day journey to motherhood

Sunday Night: To Freeze or Not to Freeze

Los Angeles Times: Party for Future Moms, FYOE (Freeze Your Own Eggs)

Grazie Magazine

USC Fertility — Chill Documentary Follows Patient Through Egg Freezing in Her 30s

The Fertility Podcast – EP 65: How do you like your eggs…on ice?