My name is Molly Hawkey and I live in Los Angeles. I’m an actor, writer, and comedian, but I really want a baby. The only problem is I’m 39 years old and not exactly ready for motherhood. So I’m on this quest for a sperm donor and some personal growth. I started a podcast called Spermcast to explore my options and find some sperm. On my podcast you’ll hear interviews with potential donors, guidance from the pros, doctors, financial advisors, tarot card readers…whatever it takes. By the end of this series, if all goes according to plan, I hope to choose my donor and inseminate myself for the goal of pregnancy.
“Completing egg freezing was life changing for me. It took the pressure off and I was the most creative I’ve ever been. Now I’ve started Spermcast Podcast to explore and find the right sperm donor to have a baby.” –Molly Hawkey
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