My name is Stephanie Montgomery. A month before my 37th birthday I completed freezing my eggs. What started off as a joke that my mother suggested, quickly became my reality after learning more about egg freezing. I saw the potential that egg freezing could protect my desires for a family in the future and buy me more time. I was concerned about how I would pay for an expensive procedure like this so I planned and organized a fundraising event for my family and friends to help donate so I would have enough money to freeze my eggs. To my surprise, I was able to collect enough resources to freeze my eggs. I documented my journey freezing on my Facebook private group called Steph’s Egg-Stravagant Egg-sperience. I was able to freeze 18 mature eggs.
“I got a creative idea to host a giant fundraising event like a ‘future baby shower’ for my family and friends to donate towards my egg freezing costs.” –Stephanie Montgomery
Facebook Stephanie Montgomery
Facebook Group Steph’s Egg-Stravagant Egg-sperience
GoFundMe Steph’s Eggstravagant Benefit
Article Go Erie News
Article Erie News Now — Erie Woman Raises Money for Egg Freezing Procedure